Vampires aka DayWalkers

Recently while having a conversation with an acquaintance we were discussing Vampires. Not the ones you find in the movies, books, and bedtime horror stories. I am talking the ones you live with, work with, and might be standing right next to you. These vampires do not live on blood. They live on LIFE…they literally want to suck the life out of you.

These Vampires normally generate from broken dreams, hard times, or they were just never given love and affection. Therefore when they come in contact with and type of life force they want it. They want to suck in all they can in an effort to try and revive/save themselves. But here is where the problem comes in…WE LET THEM!

We always think “Just hang in there a little longer”, “They just need help”, “I don’t want to be the one that turns them away”. And trust me these are all very admirable thoughts, but in the end they will leave you dead. Negativity eats at the spirit the way termites eat at wood. At first you don’t even notice the change. Then here and there you notice little spots/spaces where you are feeling drained or dragged down, and then BOOM! You are completely worn out, run down, and feeling quite hopeless. You have been bitten and drained.

So how do you identify and avoid these Vampires?? People that always want and never give…vampire; People that always have something negative to say…vampire; People that find something wrong in all your dreams…vampire; People that surface when they are in need and disappear when you are in need…vampire, notice a pattern. And my advice to you is the same advice that we yell at the TV screen….RUUUUUUUUNNNN! And definitely don’t look back because you will trip!

It is not always easy cutting people off but instead of thinking of it like you are cutting someone off instead you are SAVING YOUR OWN LIMBS. You have one life and one light…protect it with all you’ve got, because trust me somebody is out there trying to take it and kill it with all they got.


A Vampire Slayer


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